Bioinspired Engineering- An Overview

Some of the modern-day equipment which are being used currently have been developed by applying the biological features, adaptations and principles under which an organism accustoms itself to an environment. There are innumerable examples that reveal the aforementioned statement.

To cite a few, a camera used for capturing images is a very good example. Its design was based on the working principle of the human eye. The way a human brain perceives an object was the basis for such an invention! The following picture depicts the actual comparison (Both similarities and differences) between the two.

Similarly, an aeroplane and a bird. Aerodynamics is the governing principle behind the motion of the two. The principles with which the two lift off are similar, though some differences exist between the two. The ‘take off’ or lifting off mechanism is similar in both. The engine of a plane is similar to a bird flapping its wings and this feature helps a flight to glide through the air. The difference is that an aeroplane is heavier than a bird and the engine has to remain on, in order to stay in motion.

The third example is a highly fascinating one. The working principle behind a computer and the current tools and computing approaches have also drawn inspiration from the biological system! Neural networks, a machine learning approach is a very good example. These networks were framed after drawing inspiration from the human nervous system. Artificial intelligence has been concerned with reproducing abilities of the human brain. However, newer approaches take inspiration from a range of biological structures that are capable of autonomous self-organization. These include evolutionary electronics and computation, immune system, biorobotics, etc.


Aditya Subramanian V

B.Tech Biotech final year

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