Vaccines for children

 “It’s important for children to be vaccinated so that they have the opportunity to become adults.”  ~ Brad McKay, Fake Medicine  Vaccination provides acquired immunity to a particular Infectious disease via biological preparation made by research scientists. Vaccination is a simple , safe  and effective way of  protecting us against harmful diseases, before we comeContinue reading “Vaccines for children”


“The biotechnology wave is similar to the information technology wave of the 1980s and 1990s.” ~ Dietmar Hopp Cheminformatics also referred to as chemoinformatics , deals with chemical data along with computational technologies for gene analysis, storage and understanding scientific data in the development of novel compounds, materials, processes, etc. It is an in-silico technique,Continue reading “Cheminformatics”

Artificial neural networks in bioinformatics

“You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” ~ Daniel Keys Moran Artificial Neural Network is one of the AI techniques commonly in use, because of its ability to capture and represent complex input and output relationships amongst data. Researchers have used AI techniques like Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), FuzzyContinue reading “Artificial neural networks in bioinformatics”

DNA Microarray

” DNA is like a computer program but far far more advanced than any software ever created.”~ Bill Gates DNA Microarray also known as DNA Chip /Biochip , is a microscopic slide that has tiny spots – DNA Gene or sequences placed in a specific position. It was invented by Patrick O. Brown. Principle- nucleicContinue reading “DNA Microarray”


” When you think about it, caring for patients is 99percent information and 1 percent intervention, so it’s clear that with or without genomics, the paradigm is shifting. Bioinformatics brings a cutting edge capacity to healthcare.” ~ Christopher G Chute Proteome: The Proteome is the whole set of proteins produced by a particular type ofContinue reading “Proteomics”

Next Generation Sequencing

” With DNA, you have to be able to tell which genes are turned on or off. Current DNA sequencing cannot do that. The next generation of DNA sequencing needs to be able to do this. If somebody invents this, then we can start to very precisely identify cures for diseases.” ~ Elon Musk GenomeContinue reading “Next Generation Sequencing”

Translational Bioinformatics

” Databases , ontologies and visual representations tie informatic genomes to the specific practices of computers , computational biology , and bioinformatics .” ~ Anonymous We know bioinformatics is the science of collecting, representing, storing, retrieving and processing data and knowledge for the improvement of health care and understanding of biological areas over disease heterogeneity.Continue reading “Translational Bioinformatics”

Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics

” The goal is to turn data into information ,and information into insight.” ~ Carly Fiorina As we all know, bioinformatics is about finding new ways to analyze the huge data for logical conclusions, so in this case artificial intelligence can be used to analyze, process and categorize the gigantic amount of biological data inContinue reading “Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics”

Bioinformatics in Plant Genomic Research

” Agri-biotechnology is one of the key forces to promote food security , social progress , and economic prosperity in the world. “ ~ Hepeng Jia  Plants have always been an incredible part of human life. They provide us with food, fiber, medicine, rubber, wood, and most importantly a sustainable environment. The study of plantsContinue reading “Bioinformatics in Plant Genomic Research”

RNA Sequencing and Analysis

” The RNA World is referred to an hypothetical stage in the origin of life on Earth.” ~ Sidney Altman We all know Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a single stranded molecule. The main role of this molecule is to convert DNA into proteins as described in the central dogma. In this blog we are goingContinue reading “RNA Sequencing and Analysis”

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