Bioinformatics in drug discovery and development process

“The scientific discovery appears first as the hypothesis of an analogy ; and science tends to become independent of the hypothesis.” ~ William Kingdon Clifford As you may know, the number and severity of diseases are rapidly increasing day by day resulting in high morbidity and mortality rates. Most of these diseases do not haveContinue reading “Bioinformatics in drug discovery and development process”

Tools for analysis of DNA sequence

” There is a long history of how DNA sequencing can bring certainty to people’s lives.” ~ Craig Venter Going back to basics, we all know that Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the molecule that carries the majority of an organism’s genetic information. (In some cases, RNA- Ribonucleic acid. For example-viruses.) The fundamental units of DNAContinue reading “Tools for analysis of DNA sequence”

Bioinspired Engineering- An Overview

Some of the modern-day equipment which are being used currently have been developed by applying the biological features, adaptations and principles under which an organism accustoms itself to an environment. There are innumerable examples that reveal the aforementioned statement. To cite a few, a camera used for capturing images is a very good example. ItsContinue reading “Bioinspired Engineering- An Overview”

Synthetic Biology

Synthetic Biology is a novel interdisciplinary area that requires biological and computational engineering skills  to concoct biological devices, parts or to also redesign organisms that are found naturally. There has been a lot of improvement in this field over the past 2 decades, things were at its pinnacle in the year 2012 as the combinationContinue reading “Synthetic Biology”

Artificial intelligence: A Game Changer in the Agricultural Sector

The farming sector faces a lot of obstacles every year it’s either a climatic change or the disease and the pest infestation in the field that results in a major loss for the farmers. Those days it was challenging for people to figure out the best way to overcome these challenges with the help ofContinue reading “Artificial intelligence: A Game Changer in the Agricultural Sector”

Amalgamation of Machine Learning and Cloud Computing in Biological Science

“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow”- Edward Teller Human beings are fascinating creatures and their genomes are even more intriguing. The Human Genome Project estimates that the number of genes in each cell is approximately 20,000. The minute cells in our body have an ultramicroscopic commanding centre called nucleus within which DNAContinue reading “Amalgamation of Machine Learning and Cloud Computing in Biological Science”

R vs Biopython: The ultimate bioinformatics rumble

There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.—Bjarne Stroustrup The best programming language for bioinformatics is a topic of debate till date. According to Dr.Google, python is ranked first while R is racing ahead of others to come first but to be honest, no programming languageContinue reading “R vs Biopython: The ultimate bioinformatics rumble”

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