Unleashing Innovation: AI’s Role in Agriculture technology

In the future, biotechnology could enable personalized medicine, tailored to an individual’s genetic makeup, leading to more effective treatments and better patient outcomes.” – Dr. Emma Roberts ABSTRACT In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of biotechnology has emerged as a transformative force, driving innovation and efficiency across various facetsContinue reading “Unleashing Innovation: AI’s Role in Agriculture technology”

What is TCGA?

“Bioinformatics is still in its early stages, but its potential is enormous. It will play a key role in developing new drugs, diagnosing diseases and understanding the very nature of life.” - Mark Zuckerberg Introduction TCGA, a groundbreaking collaborative effort initiated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) inContinue reading “What is TCGA?”

Next Generation Sequencing

” With DNA, you have to be able to tell which genes are turned on or off. Current DNA sequencing cannot do that. The next generation of DNA sequencing needs to be able to do this. If somebody invents this, then we can start to very precisely identify cures for diseases.” ~ Elon Musk GenomeContinue reading “Next Generation Sequencing”

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